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Gravitation in Time  『地心』

-contemporary music

Composition for Orchestra, Robotic Instruments and Electronics

Gravity, as an ultimate natural force on Earth, people living there may easily neglect its presence, and not to mention to its influence in our seemingly ordinary everyday experience.

We are used to take such magical force for granted, however, the potential energy that it can generate is indeed powerful. My work - Gravitation in Time, is intended to draw our attention to such force again.

To perform this piece, I have custom-made two pieces of robotic instruments - Gravity Glock. They are activated by the gravitational force, and incorporate with mechanical engineering and electronic sound processing, to provide a breath-taking audio-visual experience to audience.

Musically, the constantly progressing serpentine melodies symbolised the state of unawareness presence of gravity. The piece is structured from scattered to polyphonic texture, and developed into an integrity ensemble of repetitive melodies, that demonstrated the weight of gravity in an abstract sense. 

copyright © 2023 GayBird

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